How To Travel Asia On A Budget

By | February 20, 2023

How To Travel Asia On A Budget – Does the idea of ​​traveling around Southeast Asia for two months seem overwhelming? I felt the same way when it came to planning my trip, especially since I knew I would be making a lot of money. Two months in Southeast Asia seems like a long time, but with so much to see and do, you should make sure you don’t stretch yourself (or your budget!)

So, I’ve compiled this detailed post as a comprehensive travel guide to all the places I was able to travel solo and backpack on a budget during my two months in Southeast Asia. , including:

How To Travel Asia On A Budget

How To Travel Asia On A Budget

This is a long post because I wanted to provide as much information as possible (you can never do too much research!), so I recommend you take it in bite-sized pieces , print it or save it when you need it. , If you are more interested in budget travel advice, I have a separate post – The Ultimate Trip Planner: How to Make the Most of Your Backpacking Budget Must Take.

Top Cheapest Destinations To Travel After The End Of The Pandemic

Before you start your Southeast Asia trip, there are a few things you should know and organize before you go. Naturally, I abandoned my plan a few weeks before I left for the Asian bag and organized it all like a headless chicken. So really, don’t be stupid like me.

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Make sure you know the visa requirements for your passport for each country you plan to visit while backpacking in Southeast Asia. Some countries require a visa in advance, for others you can get a visa at the border – but be aware that the rules can change, so double check before you go.

I hold a British passport and the information in this blog is from my experience traveling around Asia, so be aware that visas may be different for you. The best points for UK, US and Canadian passport holders are as follows:

Tips About Long Term Budget Travel In Asia

Check out this post on Instagram A post shared by Amy – Page Traveler (@amy_)

This is one I’m really bad at because I can’t remember what vaccinations I have (immigration and doctors will do this to you all the time), and I always leave it until the minute. last. You should receive your vaccinations four weeks before your South East Asia trip.

For Brits, there are recommendations from the NHS website, so you should call your GP more than a month before you start your backpacking trip. The site also has malaria maps for each country, so you can see if you’ll be visiting areas where malaria is endemic (or you can drive around them, like I did ).

How To Travel Asia On A Budget

This is a big one and always make sure you read the fine print. If you have a trip to Asia with certain dates (and you don’t plan to come home then), you can shop everywhere. However, things can get more complicated if you leave your trip open.

Month Southeast Asia Itinerary & Backpacking Route

I use World Nomads Travel Insurance, Explorer Plan and have for many years (and you will find many other travelers and travel bloggers doing the same), mainly because they are the only There the company will accept me when I am overseas. , who as a serial expat, usually is. It is also easy to extend the policy with them if you change your plans and decide to stay longer.

Once you have purchased your policy, write down the policy number and the insurer’s emergency claims helpline in your phone, write them in your diary (in case you lose your phone) and share this information and a trusted parent or friend. and to a friend. / family member back home, if possible.

This will warrant another blog post in itself, so here are my top 10 tips for packing for two months in Southeast Asia:

Recommended Read: I’m committed to making my bathroom and travel bags litter- and plastic-free. It’s also a great solution for budget backpackers because most toilets are flush (so good for hand luggage, and good for you and the planet). Two months in Southeast Asia on a budget

How Much Does It Cost To Travel The World: Budget Breakdown?

Now comes the most important part: how to travel to Asia on a budget. And I wish I could give you a straight answer on how much Asian bags cost, but I’m afraid it’s not that easy. However, there are ways to estimate what you will spend on a two-month trip to Southeast Asia.

Recommended Read: For tips on backpacking on a budget, I suggest you read The Ultimate Trip Planner: How to Make the Most of Your Backpacking Budget for all the budget travel secrets and hacks that I use them to make sure I get the best deals on flights. , accommodation and more. 1. Start by finding out about the cost of your flights to and from Asia, your vaccinations and your insurance.

I know it’s obvious, but it was a huge expense for me to skip my vaccinations at the last minute and get them in Hong Kong instead of sending them back to the UK via the NHS. These three things will probably be the biggest expense of your Southeast Asia trip, and may cost more than your packing budget (they did for me).

How To Travel Asia On A Budget

To find the best flight deals, I recommend Skyscanner, as I find it easy to use (filter by destination, by month or to find the cheapest options Select ‘All’)’ and give me a cheap flight at a cheap price. all the time.

Of The Cheapest Asian Countries To Visit In A Long Term Travel

So, what do I mean by that? When I was planning my Asia trip, I did a lot of research on what kind of budget was available for each country I was visiting because I was cheap. It’s low and I try to budget as hard as I can.

So, I decided that I should budget more for Myanmar and less for Cambodia and Vietnam. However, Myanmar was the beginning of my journey and I was surprised at how little money I had, so I overspent! Then I went to Cambodia and Vietnam and realized that I underestimated how much I needed and was out of pocket.

What We Learned: Do your research to find out the cost of packing Asia bags in each country, but also the “average daily consumption” for the entire Southeast Asia trip, to set budgets in a way correct and adjust accordingly. Budget if needed. Also, always have a ‘rainy day stock’ just in case.

This Backpacking Budget for Southeast Asia from MyFunkyTravel does a great job of giving an idea of ​​the general budget as well as a breakdown of the daily budget for each country, and I’ve detailed my expenses and budget to country guidelines below.

The Rough Guide To Southeast Asia On A Budget (travel Guide With Free Ebook): Guides, Rough: 9781789196030: Books

Remember to take my advice and that of others with a grain of salt, as currency changes, inflation takes hold and as the destination becomes more popular, prices rise quickly .

Accommodation in Southeast Asia is very cheap by Western standards, with some hostel rooms starting at just a few dollars per night. I found that almost everywhere I stayed on my Southeast Asia trip was cheaper than any rental I’ve ever paid in my life.

Here are 4 tips on how to find the best deals on hostels in Southeast Asia, for those who want to travel Asia on a serious budget:

How To Travel Asia On A Budget

Don’t use your guidebook because by the time your guidebook has been researched, printed, printed, purchased, and read, the information will be out of date. Also, most directories have rules on how long a site must be open before being accepted into the directory (usually two years) and suggest only a few options.

Explore South East Asia On A Shoestring Budget

I use and highly recommend because I always find great places to stay (see country guides below for specific recommendations), reviews are timely, plentiful and reliable, and deals are great. so beautiful. low cost (we will return to this in point d).

This is especially true of hostels in Southeast Asia versus the rest of the world – many hostels charge more for online booking than for walk-in, so you can get the best price by doing research in advance., then they arrive at their door.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. The exceptions are holidays, festivals and peak season. This has happened to me many times, so always do your research, double check and triple check that your destination may be booked or busy, as the case may be.

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