How To Do Italy On A Budget

By | March 18, 2023

How To Do Italy On A Budget – I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – our trip to Italy was pure magic. We felt a renewed sense of wonder in each city we visited and felt that even a lifetime would not be enough to truly enjoy every aspect of this beautiful country. The people, the food, the history – it’s all amazing. That being said – I get a lot of messages about how cheap it is to visit. I’ll be honest and say it wasn’t a cheap trip. We ate, drank, shopped and explored until we were bursting at the seams, but traveling to Italy on the cheap isn’t impossible. After visiting a few times and looking at our accounts, I’m here today to provide tips on how to make the most of a $100 a day trip to Italy – and yes, that includes accommodation! Without further ado, here’s how to travel to Italy on a budget…

Italy on a Budget – Accommodation: One of the best ways to save money while traveling in Italy (and abroad in general), is to rent a house or apartment instead of booking in a hotel. This is my first tip, because not only is it the cheapest accommodation option, but it also gives you the opportunity to do laundry, cook your own food (if you want) and really immerse yourself in the culture of country of your choice. visited. We stayed in apartments in Venice (this) and Florence (this) thanks to my partner, HomeAway, and really felt like living like a local.

How To Do Italy On A Budget

How To Do Italy On A Budget

In Florence we were in the heart of Santo Spirito, a palazzo famous for its basilica designed by Bruneschelli, on the opposite side of the river from the Duomo across the Ponte Vecchio. See also: less tourists and more authentic restaurants!

Absolute Best Places To Visit In Italy (+ Map & Planning Tips)

At the foot of our building is the farmer’s market selling the most beautiful flowers (plus lots of fresh fruit and vegetables) and every morning we see the children going to school and the church bells. This is not something we can experience in a hotel. Plus – check out this dreamy blue tile bathroom! I can’t get enough and the owner (who met us when we first checked in) told us it had just been renovated!

For 2 nights and 3 days our total cost (including daily city tax) was $258. We had 3 full days in the city but only 2 nights so we definitely saved money in that sense and our host even allowed us to drop off our bags early (which the hotel would consider early check-in ) and put it there later completely free. of charge , which is a nice added bonus. For 3 full days, that’s $86 per day or $43 per person. SCORE! This is the best ‘Italy on a budget’ option

Italy on a Budget – Food and Drink: Dane and I are camels – we drink a ton of water and maybe refill our hydro bottles 2-3 times a day. In Italy, water is served bottled and whenever you sit anywhere (even if you just want a drink), you are charged for sitting. So, just stop for some water, ask for 5-7 euros. Eeeek! That adds to the flexibility.

An easy​​​​​​ way around this is to pack your own reusable water bottle that can be filled at many public water fountains. DON’T BE CONFUSED – I DO NOT RECOMMEND ENTERING THE TREVI FOUNTAIN! You can see locals using small water spouts around many large cities (and we even saw them in small villages) to stop for a drink. When filling, be careful not to clog the fountain, especially if there are many people waiting.

Italy Travel Cost

When you are in Italy, you love to eat, because HELLO?! Italian food is good – really good – and trust me, you’ll want to fill it up. Italian breakfasts are light in nature (think croissants, chocolate pastries and coffee), so if you do it like the Italians, you’ll spend 5-8 euros for breakfast and stand to enjoy a coffee and a quick bite at the counter. Don’t forget to order a cappuccino – they are my favorite!

Where breakfast is on the go, lunch and dinner are experiences. You don’t get much fast food in terms of quality or service. Foods are meant to be enjoyed, so just take it all in! Our lunch usually lasts about 1.5-2 hours and our dinner is 3+.

A budget of €40 per person per day for food ($46.75 at the current exchange rate) is enough to eat well and still give you a little room if you stay on $100 a day. Honestly – food and wine is what I love about Italy.

How To Do Italy On A Budget

If you’re keeping track, we’ve reached $89.75 of our daily budget (probably less depending on how much you spend on food), which means we have over $10 left for the day. In euros, it is 8.77 (according to the current exchange rate).

Europe On A Budget: 4 Countries In 21 Days For Less Than Php85k

Fortunately, this is enough to get a solid aperitif until dinner, get an ice cream to walk the streets, buy postcards (and stamps) to send to friends or just put in your pocket and use for sightseeing the next day.

There is so much anyone can do for free in Italy (walk through beautiful cities, see historic architecture, explore gardens and churches, or just wander around aimlessly and lose track of time ( highly recommended).totally able to travel on a budget!

So let’s talk – have you been to Italy? Dreaming of leaving? What is your favorite city? If you liked this post, you might also enjoy reading about our time in Venice, our time in Florence, or our time in Tuscany. Update on COVID-19: All of our travel insurance providers still treat COVID-19 as a covered medical event. Click here for more information on COVID-19 coverage.

Something about the month of February gives us the travel bug. It’s been a few months of cooler weather for some, and vacation trips are far behind us, so we’re ready to start booking our next adventure. This time we are dreaming about the historic cities of Italy, the hilly countryside and delicious food. The thing is, international travel can be expensive, which can make our travel dreams come true – but we don’t let that stop us! To make it more feasible for everyone, we have put together 5 tips that you can use to travel to Italy on a budget:

How Much Money Do You Need To Visit Italy?

According to US air travel statistics from the Tourism Industry, Americans traveled more in the months of May, June and July than any other time of the year in 2019 – and Europe was their number one destination during those months. . Since summer is the most popular season for international travel, flight prices tend to be higher during those months, as well as accommodation. For this reason – and to avoid the biggest crowds – we recommend traveling to Italy in early spring or late autumn. Start searching for flights as early as possible and set up alerts to get the lowest possible off-season prices. Saving money on flights means more money for food, after all. When you book your trip to Italy, don’t forget to insure it immediately with travel insurance!

In many, if not most, countries, major cities are hot spots for tourists. They are the most popular and usually have the most attractions, so it makes a lot of sense. This is why they are often the most expensive places to visit. This is true of the most famous Italian cities such as Rome, Florence and Venice. In addition to higher prices for accommodation and food, they are also the busiest in terms of foot traffic, which is fun for some… but not for everyone.

Does that mean you can’t see the Vatican, the Venetian canals or the famous statue of David? Not really… you have to be smart about how you do it.

How To Do Italy On A Budget

If you don’t stay within the city limits and look a little further out, you’ll find plenty of cheaper and equally stunning options – and you’ll only be a scenic train ride from trouble and trouble in the town. In Rome, you can book a charming hotel in Bracciano, Trevignano or Anguillara – three beautiful towns about 20 miles and a quick train ride away. In Florence, we recommend choosing a historic villa located in the hills not far from the city. For Venice, look at your options in Lido or Mestre, which are outside the city center but close enough to be there as much as you want. No matter where you go or what you do, avoid the big chain hotels…they are less authentic and less affordable.

Italy On $100 A Day

Let’s be honest…one of the main reasons some of us travel to Italy is the food! From pasta to gelato to pizza