Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

By | June 7, 2023

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me – Summer is just around the corner and we LOVE summer vacation, but we’re a little worried about keeping the kids entertained at all hours of the day. We want to encourage our children to disconnect and enjoy the outdoors when the weather is nice. I remember as a child throwing water balloons back and forth with my whole family.

This simple time together was a great way to enjoy a beautiful summer day at a local park. I also used to have a lot of fun at the water park, summer camp, hiking nature trails, playing at the local playground, and even making mud pies in my own backyard.

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

To help you avoid summer burnout (and us!), we’ve rounded up 50 outdoor summer activities just for kids that are perfect for beating boredom and preventing kids from turning into couch potatoes this summer. . The summer months can be tough, especially on a hot day.

Best Outdoor Games For Kids: Fun Ways To Play Outside

These creative ideas are a fun way to encourage your older children to spend time with the younger ones and keep the whole family together during the summer holidays for some outdoor fun.

Most of these fun summer activities can be done for free (or very cheap). Just help the kids prepare for these activities and let their imagination run wild.

You can even turn this list into a family summer list and check off activities as you do them. If you do one activity a day, you can make it to mid-July.

After that you are on your own! 🙂 It’s the perfect way to entertain kids of all ages, and the best part is that it gives parents a break.

Stay At Home Outdoor Activities For Kids

This post was written by a previous contributor to Six Sisters’ Stuff. We appreciate all the creative input that makes Six Sisters’ Stuff an amazing resource for families! It’s time. It’s time to get the kids outside to play, outside to mess around, outside to have fun and I’M HERE FOR IT.

I’m most excited about the mess going into the yard – bring on all the warm weather. If you’re looking for the best outdoor activities for kids (kids of ALL AGES) – this is the list for you.

What I want to say. I searched the internet for activities that cover the ages of all the children at home – from toddlers and tabbies to toddlers, preschoolers and then our big kids at home from elementary school.

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

This list spans a WIDE age range with lots of great sibling activities – which is the best way to play (get all the kids in on the fun).

Easy Outdoor Activities & Play Ideas For Preschoolers 3 5 Years Old

Our outdoor games have never been more important and I hope this list helps you bring a little more fun to your backyard.

These activities are the absolute best on the web – no need to search Pinterest during your break. I did everything for you.

RELATED: Download my FREE Summer Activity List – ideas to keep in the fridge for days when you need a little extra.

It’s a welcome respite for my living room and I can’t wait for the warm weather to arrive (making a mess outside too…)

Days Of Outdoor Activities For Toddlers

Let’s get the kids outside and play – and these simple and fun activities are perfect for that.

Sign up for my free newsletter and I’ll send you “35 Easy Activities for Toddlers to Make Their Day!” How can I entertain my two-year-old outdoors? What outdoor activities for preschoolers? I’ve collected over 45 outdoor activities for toddlers and preschoolers that you’ll love!

I love a list of easy outdoor activities that I can whip up quickly on days when the weather is nice. All of these outdoor activities are easy to prepare and use materials you probably already have at home (or can easily obtain).

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

Nothing makes me happier than an organized thematic list! These outdoor activities are organized into five different categories, so you can browse the list and find the type of idea you’re looking for.

Kidlist: Activities For Kids In Chicago’s Western Suburbs

Scroll down to the activity you find interesting and click the title to access the full tutorial! I’ve collected activity ideas from many of my favorite creative friends for this awesome list of outdoor activities for toddlers and preschoolers!

RELATED: Want a simple plan full of kid activities? Check out our Year of Play eBook with 12 activity calendars for kids!

Art doesn’t have to involve fancy materials or a lot of preparation. These quick-to-build art ideas help kids explore new materials and processes!

Sensory play helps children learn by exploring their five senses. There are so many cool materials you can introduce your kids to! Here are some of our favorites.

Awesome Outdoor Activities For Kids

Water is one of the absolute best materials for games! There are so many fun ways to play with water. Here are some creative ways to use water!

Science projects are always a big hit with toddlers and preschoolers. Take science outside and explore using bubbles, ice, natural materials and even the sun!

Your kids will love these amazing outdoor activities for toddlers and preschoolers! Have any other favorites we should add to our list? Tell us in the comments below.

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

A Year of Play is a simple e-book with a year of hands-on playful learning activities. Designed for 2-6 year olds, it includes 12 monthly calendars and 48 weekly activity plans! can you see the sun I also. Somewhere between the first day of spring and the last day of school, my heart yearns for outdoor activities for kids. Of course, I’m a child of the 80’s. So it’s worth opening the garage door and asking the kids to come back before sunset.

Best At Home Kids Activities On A Budget

But in reality, days with toddlers and preschoolers aren’t that simple. I remember having small children and wondering how we were going to get to sleep.

The days seemed SO LONG. While I enjoyed my time with them, I also had to get out and find a way to watch from a folding chair with a book that I may or may not be able to read.

Toddlers and preschoolers need a little help finding supplies to start playing outside. But once they do – MAGIC. Here are 50 outdoor activities for kids!

RELATED: If you’ve scrolled through the entire list of outdoor activities, you might need this list of indoor games to change it up!

Summer Fun Outdoor Activities To Help Kids Stay Entertained And Engaged This Summer

To get you started, I have our list of toys for any age or level. For outdoor activities, these are the best backyard toys we’ve used for years for kids’ outdoor activities. Here are some of my favorites:

Is your child learning to ride a balance bike or pedal bike? Here are the best bikes for kids.

It’s so hard to pick a favorite! However, I have a few items that are always a hit with the kids.

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me

Splash the Alphabet is popular and a lot of fun! Add a drop of food coloring to the water bottles.

Outdoor Rainy Day Activities For Kids • Run Wild My Child

Choose a letter and spray it! We also have fond memories of playing the board game outdoors. It’s like a board game that you can walk around. Wow. Excited, right?

Another easy and fun outdoor activity (I couldn’t help myself) is Paint the Rocks. We have to go hunting for stones for a few days. The next step is to paint them. Or, if you want some sensory play, try Bear Soup Sensory Play. How can I repay these teddy bears for the joy they have brought to my children?! They are by far my favorite – and I still catch my eight-year-old son playing with them. Take the bears outside to the outdoor water tank. Bear soup? Don’t mind if I do!

You know what else I tried? Take the indoor toys outside and it was a huge success. I made this for Outdoor Tracks Water Play. The boys tested the racers and tried to land them in buckets of water. (Always keep an eye on children near water).

Of course, I couldn’t pass up the Musical Treasure Hunt. A musical scavenger hunt is a great way to get outside and get moving. Play your favorite song. When you stop – run and grab some of the paint you stopped on. It’s great fun for all ages.

Fun Outdoor Play Activities For Kids

To add a little outdoor math, try Shapes and Shaving Cream. We brought our 3D shapes and made new sculptures. It’s a great morning outdoor activity before the sun gets too hot. When it gets hot, pour water on anything (and everything).

If you like shaving cream, try Pups shaving cream. This sensory box is a blast when kids dig up the puppies and spray them with a spray bottle.

If your child is out of shaving cream (who is?!) and wants a little more sensory fun, try Nature Murals. It’s a two-step outdoor activity. First, collect the items

Fun Outdoor Activities For Toddlers Near Me