Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

By | June 19, 2023

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party – Planning a birthday party for your 11 year old and looking for fun games for teenagers? From indoor games to outdoor activities, these great ideas will keep kids entertained at parties!

If you are planning a birthday party for an 11 year old, you will need fun party games to keep him entertained. This list of party games for 11 year olds will appeal to kids of this age, on the cusp of adolescence.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

By the age of 11, kids often outgrow traditional party games like Pass the Package and Simon, but thankfully they still enjoy participating in team games and fun activities. The teen games below are tried and tested party games and your child will have plenty of their own ideas of what is “cool” for their friends.

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Make sure you have lots of little treats like candy and stickers – older kids are still waiting for treats and will be happy to ask for them!

Truth or Dare is a fun game for sleepovers and small parties. Make sure you ask questions and make them bold rather than letting the kids do it themselves so nothing gets out of hand!

Ask the children to sit in a circle and choose someone to be the question master. Then each child must give either the correct answer or a challenge.

Tie a balloon to each child’s right ankle with string or ribbon. When you yell “Come on,” kids should run around the room to inflate their friends’ balloons while avoiding other people bumping into them.

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It is great for playing in the garden or park where kids have enough space to let their hearts out.

Give each child a cookie to place on their forehead. Then they just need to use facial expressions to get it in their mouth. If they use their hands or drop a cookie, they are out.

This game also works great with After Eight Mints, or for a healthier version, you can try small, thin rice cakes or dried apple slices.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

Divide the children into pairs or small groups. Give each of them a list of things they need to find and problems they need to find, and off you go – it could be something as simple as finding a rock, fetching a 20p coin (they might have to ask some adults to arrange party). ), someone’s shoe… whatever you want. .

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You can play in two ways. Either the first team wins or gets points for each item collected within the set time. If you have a Polaroid camera, tablets, or cell phones that you don’t mind giving, ask the kids to take a selfie at a specific location or make a video as an assignment.

Divide the kids into pairs and give each pair lipstick, blush and eyeshadow – make sure it’s cheap stuff, you don’t want to waste expensive makeup.

Blindfold each couple. They then have to apply makeup to their partner’s face and are blindfolded, with the partner giving them instructions.

Set the time limit to about three minutes, then yell “Stop.” The couple that does the best job and applies all aspects of makeup will be the winner.

Planning A Birthday Party

One option is to turn it into a drawing competition: a blindfolded person has to draw a simple picture, such as a house or a dog, under the guidance of their partner.

Mostly blindfolded, this game has been around for thousands of years and is still fun to play!

One person is chosen as “it” and must try to find other blindfolded players. Runners must avoid getting caught and can add to the fun by yelling “That”, teasing them and making the task more difficult.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

You can play it like a tag game where if someone gets caught they become the new “It” or if you want a game that you know actually ends at some point, every time, when someone is caught, they must sit out to the end. Round until all players are caught. If everyone is still having fun, you can start a new round with a new “it”.

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It is best played outdoors or in a large room where there are not many sharp corners or objects to move around.

This is good for most indoor or outdoor parties, but works especially well at sleepovers and campsites.

Tie the donuts to a string—one for each child—and hang them from a string or pole at a height that children can reach with their mouths.

With their hands behind their backs, the children should eat donuts. The winner is the one who eats his donut the fastest. If you are short on space or have a large group, you can play as the relay winner with the fastest team to finish their donuts.

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This game is perfect for teenagers who love music. Create a playlist of your child’s favorite songs. Along with pop songs, you can use TV theme tunes, video game music, and maybe a few simple songs like Happy Birthday.

Divide the children into small groups and act out parts of each song. The teams then have to guess what each of them represents. You can play it like a quiz with the kids writing down their answers, or reward the first team that gets it right every time.

To make it even more challenging and fun, instead of playing songs, have one team member play a tune or sing a song using nonsense words while his teammates try to guess.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

They then select them one by one and answer them either one question each or in small groups each can answer each. This is a great game to get everyone talking at the start of a party.

Cheap (and Fun) First Birthday Party Ideas

Place an empty cereal box on the floor and have the children stand around it. The object of the game is to lift the cereal box using only the mouth. Hands behind your back and you can not kneel – this game will really challenge children’s flexibility!

Tear off the box about an inch each round to make it shorter and harder to lift. Whoever can lift the fewest boxes wins.

On the large table, combine colorful frosting, sprinkles, edible glitter, sweets, and other fun things to decorate the cake.

Give each child an uniced cupcake – you can bake or buy one – and give them a set amount of time to decorate their cupcakes. Pick the most creative winner or maybe give extra prizes for the funniest cupcake or the cupcake with the most toppings.

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You can choose party themed decorations like green icing and jelly snakes for a jungle party or rainbow glitter for a unicorn party.

For a tasty alternative, try the pizza decorating contest. And in the summer, ice cream bars that you can make yourself are always popular.

Divide the children into teams and give each team a roll of toilet paper. Then they must choose a child from their team and wrap it up as a mummy (or have an adult wrap each team). Give them a certain amount of time to do this – the sooner the better! The one who creates the best mummy wins.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party

In addition, you can play in such a way that the team that uses all the throws the fastest is the winner.

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Top tip: You don’t have to buy luxury toilet paper, but don’t buy super cheap paper as it tears easily.

All you need for limbo is a pole – a broom will do. Have two people hold the pole. The children then have to lean back to get down.

Each round post goes down. If someone touches the pole while in limbo, he is out. The winner is the one who manages to get the lowest without touching the pole and without falling.

You can also cover the pole in glitter (biodegradable is best for the environment) to make it much easier to see who accidentally hit it. Even adults will want to join!

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Your teens can pin a tail on a donkey, but add a pop star to the mix and they’ll love this game.

Take a large poster of your child’s favorite singer or celebrity, like Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, or Harry Styles, and stick it on the wall. Now cut out the image of the accessory, it can be a hair bow, mustache, glasses, whatever.

Blindfold each child and turn them three times. They then need to attach the accessory wherever they want. Write the name of each child in the place where he attached the accessory, the one who comes closest to the correct position will be the winner. If he’s a fan of the pop star, the prize could be a poster.

Fun Activities For 11 Year Old Birthday Party


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