10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

By | March 23, 2023

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games – For the holistic development of a child, there needs to be a balance between everything that includes outdoor play. Outdoor play has many benefits for children, from better health, developing social skills, team player to independence. Continue reading this post as we explain the importance and benefits of outdoor play for your children. This ensures that your child gets some outdoor play time during the busy schedule of school, homework and screen time.

Playing outdoors encourages young children to exercise their bodies and minds. It engages all the senses and keeps them physically and mentally healthy.

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

Outdoor games can be a great way to improve young children’s learning skills. The outdoor environment provides a learning space where children can learn new things. From improving communication and social skills to developing problem-solving skills and gaining new information regularly, playing in groups can help children learn essential life lessons and skills that cannot be achieved through classroom or book learning alone. Playing outdoors also helps young children to feel that learning is an ongoing process and not something that only happens in the classroom (1).

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Physical development is just as important as mental development. Outdoor games are a great way to exercise for children. When young children play outdoors, their physical activity increases and their energy and stamina increase throughout the day. Not only will you notice an improvement in their mood, but also an increase in their fitness and immunity levels. Playing outdoors helps develop strength, bone density and large muscle groups. In addition, a few hours of sunlight can help your child get the recommended amount of vitamin D (2) (3).

Playing outdoors helps children with sensory-motor development and spatial awareness. Observations of a child in their play environment are crucial to academic development (11).

Being outdoors, children socialize and come into contact with new environments, which encourage them to become better. For example, when children take turns on the swing, it can help them learn to work in a group or play safely. They also learn how to look after each other and treat others with care and respect. In addition, when young children meet new children at the local park or playground, they have the opportunity to explore new experiences and make new friends.

Compared to those who are glued to a screen and spend time indoors, young children who often play outdoors communicate effectively. They are forced to come out of their shells, make new friends or get closer to different children, improving their social and communication skills (3).

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Nature is an integral part of the survival of all living beings. When young children spend time outdoors, they are in close contact with nature. The longer they spend with Mother Nature, the more they develop an attachment, love and affection towards her.

The current situation is appalling. Nature is being depleted at an alarming rate. With this in mind, it is crucial to foster a love of nature in children from an early age. You can also take them on nature walks and teach them about the effects of global warming and deforestation (3).

As well as improving cognitive abilities, outdoor play is just as important for physical development. When young children spend time running around the local park or rock climbing, they are challenging their bodies, which helps strengthen muscles. In addition, outdoor activities help children to assess the risks involved and teach them to push their limits, helping them learn new skills with confidence (4).

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

Even the smallest thing excites young children and they can draw instant inspiration from the smallest things. Whether it’s playing with sand in an adult-supervised playground or running with friends on the school grounds, time outdoors encourages creativity. Open spaces and lack of restrictions give more freedom and stimulate children’s imagination. This is mainly because the child is much more curious about their local environment and current surroundings. Not only do they notice things faster, but they also learn quickly because their minds are ready to receive a wealth of information (5).

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According to Dr. Katie Lockwood, a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, says we can limit screen time by scheduling time to play outside. He says that playing outdoors encourages active engagement with peers and the natural environment and helps children develop respect for the world (12).

One of the main benefits of playing outdoors and spending time in nature is improved attention, especially among young children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Playing outdoors is also known to improve school performance. Unlike the classroom, outdoor time is considered leisure. Young children put a lot of effort into conquering outdoor sports, which require extreme concentration. So, as well as physical benefits, playing outdoors also has mental benefits (5) (6).

Outdoor play offers children a variety of objects to play with, helping them develop and improve their fine and gross motor skills. Whether climbing a tree or building a sandcastle on the playground, each activity is different and develops their motor skills in one way or another.

It is important to work on these skills and nurture them during the first years of their lives. Therefore, it is extremely important to deal with subjects to develop these skills (4) (7).

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Call it science or fact, but being outdoors has been proven to make people happier. Natural beauty, warm sunshine and clean air stimulate happy hormones in the brain, leading to an uplifting mood.

Playing outdoors is a great opportunity for children to positively release any frustration or pent-up energy. It also ensures that they are in a happier mood throughout the day and helps them sleep soundly at night (3) (8).

Playing outdoors increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for emotional regulation and happiness (13).

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

Seeing things from different perspectives is extremely important. You can encourage this in your child by playing outdoors.

Outdoor Activities Fit For Large Families

Small children who always stay at home are not interested in what happens outside their four walls. It’s a whole new world out there, and once a child steps out of the comfort of their home, there’s no going back.

Suddenly, in this new world, they are able to observe and develop opinions, face and deal with problems, and find ideal solutions to problems (9).

Although these are just some of the main benefits of outdoor play for young children, you will learn much more once you let your child loose.

The key is to do everything in moderation, which includes playing outdoors. Although the disadvantages are not significant, it is better to have a balance between all the activities.

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You can visit them, invite them over or meet them at a local park. From hops, skips and jumps to avoid the ball, encourage your child to play games together. Take it a step further and plan a sports tournament for all the children.

An easy way to get your kids outside is to turn your backyard into a playground. With just a handful of items and creative ideas like hanging a tire swing, setting up a tent, or filling a sandbox, you can instantly give your child a playground to explore.

Make regular everyday activities more fun by taking them outdoors. While you lounge on the back porch swing, your child can play with their play dough or bead sets. Or you can lay a blanket on the grass and read books together. This can allow you to spend time outdoors, get some vitamin D, and spend time together!

10 Benefits Of Outdoor Games

According to attention restoration theory (ART), exposure to nature helps restore attention and focus after mental effort (14).

Fun Outdoor Games And Activities For Kids To Stay Active

From hiking to trekking and beach walks to walking around your neighborhood, take time outdoors to discover all that green spaces have to offer. Make sure you plan activities at a slow pace so your child can catch up and enjoy the current environment.

When young children are over football and haven’t touched a ball in years, you can introduce them to a new sport such as baseball, basketball, or tennis. Make sure you choose child-friendly sports.

Examples of outdoor adventure activities for children include obstacle courses, hiking, scavenger hunts, nature walks, cycling, gardening and water activities.

Outdoor activities in public spaces can be classified into three categories depending on whether they are compulsory or optional and the quality of the environment, namely necessary, optional and social activities (10).

Benefits Of Outdoor Play For Primary School Aged Children

Although there are many ways for children to have fun, nothing beats playing outdoors. As a parent, it is important to understand the benefits of outdoor play for children and not label it as just fun and entertainment. Children who play outdoors regularly are healthier, develop better social skills and fall in love with nature. So even if your children don’t want to play outdoors, encourage them to try a new sport, plan new outdoor activities or invite their friends over. Inactivity can have a negative impact on future life, so make sure your children enjoy it

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